3 Reasons Why We Need More Gratitude – Striped Number

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Gratitude makes the world go round… and I think people who are more grateful feel more whole, content and at peace with life. We all go through spurts of positives and negatives. And to say that someone is always positive is completely false because despite the ups, the downs are bound to eventually happen. However, I think gratitude can definitely go a long way, especially at our lowest points because it forces us to focus on what is good. Here are 3 reasons why we should have more gratitude in our lives.

1. IT forces you to see the cup half full

Gratitude forces you to see that you are and have enough in your life. And while it’s important to stay hungry and strive for more. It’s equally as important to appreciate what you already have

2. IT creates more positivity

Being grateful just naturally forces you to be more positive because we’re focused on what is good

3. IT makes you appreciate what you have in life

Appreciating what you have in life is the definition of gratitude and because of it, we’re able to genuinely enjoy and appreciate all that we have.

Remember that love will never fail. Wishing you all a more positive, grateful life <3


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3 thoughts on “3 Reasons Why We Need More Gratitude – Striped Number

  1. K. Elizabeth says:

    One of the reasons I keep a gratitude journal is because it helps to see the positivity in life. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negative and sometimes you need to be able to look back and remind yourself of all you have to be grateful for.

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