Hello Stranger…

Hello again after almost 4 years of not writing a blog post! I’m back and I can’t believe it. So much has changed since my last entry back in January of 2021. I look back on this website and realize how much I’ve grown as a person. I think I’ve always had a desire to

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positive affirmations, daily affirmations, positive quotes, inspirational quotes, boss girl


I am a huge fan of positive affirmations and there’s so much power in writing but also speaking them out loud. In this blog post I am sharing 50 I AM positive affirmations. You can use them for anything throughout your day. Whether it be saying them aloud in the AM, writing them over and

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What to Wear this Winter with Dick’s Sporting Goods

I’m collaborating with Dick’s Sporting Goods to share with you some musts to add to your closet this season! What I really love about Dick’s is the wide range of brands they offer both in store and online. Regardless of whether you’re shopping for yourself or someone in your family this season, you can easily

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2 cup method, manifestation practice

Manifestation Practice with the 2 Cup Method

I was introduced to this manifestation practice several months ago but finally got to try it out for myself! And all I have to say is WOW, it really does work! I literally did the 2 cup method one day and the NEXT morning I received my desired reality. I know that it doesn’t necessarily

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journal, manifest, best life, how to journal, simply beyotuiful

8 Types of Journals that Will Help You Manifest Your Best Life

Journaling is by far one of the most helpful activities for me, especially when I’m feeling exceptionally overwhelmed with all that I have to do. Whether it be list making to figure out what my priorities are or just brain dumping, I think it’s just so helpful to just write or type out whatever it

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selling sunset, netflix, movie night

13 Life Lessons from Netflix’s Selling Sunset

As everyone begins binge watching Netflix’s Selling Sunset, I realized that while we love the drama and dreaming about our own million dollar homes, there are some really intricate lessons being taught here. For those of you who don’t know what Selling Sunset is, it’s a show about a brokerage/real estate firm that are headed

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intention cards, affirmation cards, positive affirmations, anh thu le

10 Ways You can Use Daily Intention Affirmation Cards

I’ve heard that an intention without action is just an idea, and I think that is absolutely true. I recently read an article that said practicing a ritual prior to performing a task can actually improve your performance. I am a huge fan of routines and that’s the reason why I created my intention cards.

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25 Positive Affirmations to Start Your day

There is a ton of research that shows using positive affirmations can lead to decreasing stress, especially under pressure and can improve your overall emotional state. I wanted to share 25 positive affirmations I wrote inspired by my daily intent card deck. BIG NEWS! My INTENTION/AFFIRMATION cards recently launched! These cards are up for grabs

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puerto vallarta, mexico, live intentionally

5 Steps to Realigning with Your Goals

This year is nothing like any of us had imagined for 2020, but even so here we are. I know for me, I had set some lofty business and personal goals that were intimidating AF! I would be lying if I said I was close to achieving anything on my list. However, that’s the reason

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if your dreams don't scare you

5 Steps to Living More Intentionally

There’s a time for everything I am a person who loves spontaneity. I love variety and space to do whatever we feel that day, I’ve lived that way for years! And at the core of who I am, space for variety is a place my soul loves to be. However, being intentional has led to

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intention cards, daily intentions, live with intention, simply beyoutiful

The ONE Daily Practice that Gets me Re-Aligned

Life can be challenging, especially when we have so many things going on that need our time and attention. I’ve been there, it’s like we always have these great ideas to kickstart our days but I’ll be honest I don’t always practice them. Like pray every morning, meditate, visualize, or set an intention for the

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