Category: Authenticity, Self Compassion, The Best You
I spent a year running away from reality during my transition to California. While it was a decision I made and ultimately wanted, what frustrated me was I found myself constantly lonely, which caused me to doubt my decision. I sat with these feelings for a long time and did my best to let go of the thoughts that held me hostage by traveling to distract me from the reality of California. I did my best to keep my game face on because I didn’t want anyone to know that deep down inside, I regretted my decision to move away from home.
It wasn’t until a conversation I had with my best friend that made me realize I hadn’t been at my best this last year. In that moment I knew I had wasted away an entire year, drowning in my own self pity… which was when it hit me, I can’t just let these negative emotions consume me nor control my life any further.
As embarrassed as I am to admit to all of this, I know it had to happen this way for me to truly appreciate and love my life, so as 2017 begins… this is what I need to let go of and forgive myself for.
The lesson I was reminded of through this process though: is that self compassion can be one of the most difficult things to practice but it’s the key to self love and pure confidence.
love simply, love beyoutifully,
anh thu