5 Tips on How to get Aligned with Your Best Self

beach, sand, alignment, align yourself, anh thu le, simply beyoutiful

Much of last year, I felt off. I had just moved to Seattle from LA and Hoan and I were still adjusting to married life from being long distance our entire relationship! And let me tell you, 2019 effed me over, in a lot of ways. I was feeling miserable at work because it took time away from my blog, I was disappointed that we had moved to Seattle where it literally rained like every day for a week straight. And coming from the sunshine state of California. It was in short, ROUGH.

It wasn’t until November of 2019 where I went to a summit with likeminded women that truly changed my life. I met some incredible boss babes and I was all of a sudden reminded of why I started this blog in the first place. And it’s for people like YOU who are currently reading. 

Every day, I aspire to live my best life, and share that journey with other women. And now, after manifesting things I wanted for 2020, I’m here to share what I’ve learned in re-aligning myself to my best self!

beach, sand, toes, simply beyoutiful

1. Find an activity that raises your vibration 

Whether it be running, journaling, reading or taking some time for yourself, find something that gets you into a better mood. 

2. Surround yourself with people you enjoy being around 

If there are people in your life that seem to breathe negativity into your life, maybe it’s time to take a little break from them and really find those who cultivate positive in your life. Find those people and hang out, give them a call or if you can’t find anyone physically. Look on youtube or blogs and consume their positive content! 

3. Take time to meditate 

There is so much research that tells us that meditation has a lot of positive physical and mental benefits. One thing I know for sure is that when I meditate, I visualize what could be and that always gets me in a better mood.

4. Dream of what you want out of life 

Think about what it is that you truly love doing. Often times, these activities will bring us a sense of joy and purpose. Even if it feels a little out of this world, maybe there’s a reason why it’s there. Whether it be big or a small. Take a step in that direction, regardless of how scary it is. Because when we get a little closer to our purpose, we feel flow. And that’s when you know you’re getting re-aligned.

5. Focus on one thing at a time 

I’m not gonna lie, when I have a laundry list of things to do, it can become really overwhelming, so break it down. What’s at least one or two things I can do today, to make myself feel really good? And focus on just that because when we can see the fruit of our labor, it makes us feel good. When we feel good, we’re in a better vibration

You will get aligned!

It can be frustrating when we’re not at our best. But know that you can get there. I hope that these tips are helpful. If you try it out, let me know how it goes! And just know that you’ve got a girlfriend here. If you ever want to reach out, DM me on Instagram @anh_thule or respond with a comment here! Look forward to hearing from you!

signature, atl, anh thu le

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