Goal Setting: What’s Most Important

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I look at my goals and a lot of times I think: how the heck am I going to get there? Reaching the top is such a rewarding experience that a lot of times we want to skip the hard work and just bask in the glory. But of course, that’s never the case. I know especially for a lot of younger people, we want to be successful NOW.  In this post, I want to talk about why it’s so important to enjoy the here and now. 

We live in a world where instant gratification is the new hype. Everything is NOW. But what’s definitely sad about it is that we’re not enjoying nor appreciating the process we must go through to get where we want to be. Psychology coined the arrival fallacy to acknowledge a lot of the disappointment that people experience when we get to our end destination, look around and go, ‘that’s it?!”  And it’s like ‘yup, that’s it.’

The purpose of every goal

Hoan told me something really valuable that one of his mentors shared with him that I want to pass along. The purpose of every goal is not to achieve it. The purpose of every goal is to learn, grow, and become a better person through the process.


Live simply, love beyoutifully,


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