the TRUTH about Marriage – FIVE Truths I’ve learned from FIVE Months of Marriage

It’s been over 5 months since Hoan and I have gotten married and to be completely honest, we’ve fought more in these last 5 months than we ever have in our entire relationship. #legit

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I never knew how challenging marriage really was until we got married. Going into it, I had such different expectations of what marriage was going to be like. In my mind, I literally thought it was going to be wedding bells and then happily ever after, I mean that’s what the books and movies end with! To my surprise, it’s been the exact opposite. Well maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit because we’ve had our fair share of amazing experiences as a married couple but I feel like it’s been more tough than easy for us. Here are 5 truths I’ve learned from marriage in these last 5 months of being a wife.

  1. You’ve Got to love someone even when you don’t feel like loving

    – As annoyed we can get of each others’ habits or tendencies, you still gotta love them even when you don’t feel like it. This has been an interesting concept to grasp, but I guess that’s what unconditional, agape love is

  2. Marriage Can bring the worst out of your significant other

    – Before Hoan and I got married, we never really fought. We just had some really serious, heated conversations but we made it a point to never really yell or scream. And unfortunately, marriage has changed that for us. It makes me sad to think about it, but man, marriage just strips away the layers and your ugly can really come out because of the vulnerability that happens anyway.

  3. Being in a committed relationship can continually highlight all of your problems

    – Being in close proximity with someone, 24/7 can easily bring out the same old problems over and over again. Hoan works from home the majority of the time and I only work per diem. So we’re home together A LOT! And especially in our 525 square foot apartment. There’s not much room to go around for everyone so we butt heads a lot.

  4. you learn how to be the best partner in life

    – Sharing a life, a home, a car, etc. can teach you how to be the best partner because it’s a constant give and take. Which, I still need to be better about. I think Hoan is way better than me about giving and sharing. As long as we know the other person’s got your back, your safe to give whole-heartedly.

  5. Marriage is hard AF

    – Dude, IF I KNEW HOW HARD MARRIAGE WAS…. I’d still get married! Sometimes, I think man, why are Hoan and I so different?! Our differences in personality and preferences have been highlighted more in these last 5 months than ever before. Granted we’re transitioning to marriage, living together AND living in the same city so it is A LOT all at once, but regardless, this first year of marriage is no walk in the park!

Despite it though, I’m grateful we got married and I KNOW we were meant to walk this life together. Happy Valentine’s day week beauties <3 <3 xoxo

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