Having self compassion can be one of the most difficult things to do, especially after you’ve done something you aren’t proud of. However, I believe self compassion is the core to so many other things. From inner peace, to courage and love… self compassion affects all of who we are. When we love ourselves, it is so much easier to love on others. With Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I thought it would be fitting to talk about the most important person you should love on! YOU. So here are 5 Tips on How to Love Yourself…
1. Know Your Worth
It’s so important to recognize our worth. Brene Brown talks a lot about how the wholehearted can love and be loved because they feel that they are worthy of love and belonging. It’s a simple concept yet very difficult to practice. I know especially for me, it’s tough to love myself after I’ve done wrong. Allow yourself to feel the negativity, but the moment it passes, remind yourself that you are worthy of love and belonging regardless of your shortcomings.
2. Accept Your Faults
This brings me to my next point that we need to accept our faults and move forward. It’s really easy to get caught up in the feelings of shame and disappointment. I experience it all the time and we are all definitely our worst critic. It’s tough to hear others criticize us but I think our inner voices can be so much worse. We need to remember to acknowledge our shortcomings but also let go of those emotions because it’s not going to do us any good to hold onto them.
3. Treat Yourself
Everyone deserves a treat, even ourselves! I think it’s so important to be able to love on you the way you love on others. Reflect on whether you’re treating yourself the way you treat others? If you’re praising others, and putting other people first, shouldn’t we do the same for ourselves? And YES I think we should, so I think it’s perfectly okay to treat yourself to that sweet dessert or that pair of heels you’ve been eyeing at the store.
4. Practice Positive Talk
This is really difficult for me but this is something i’m constantly working on. What I mean by positive talk is yes, thinking positively but also speaking positively and using better more empowering words when we talk to ourselves or others. For example, instead of saying ‘I think I can do this’ change it to ‘I know I can do this’ or, ‘I hope I have a good day’ to ‘I’m going to have a good day’ and ‘I think I look alright today’ to ‘girl, I look fiiiiine!’
5. Do good
Finally the last item I want to touch on in trying to love on ourselves more is being able to love on others. For me personally, I always feel better about myself when I do a good deed or random act of kindness. It always feels good to be able to help in some way for the good of others. So with that, once you start feeling a little love within yourself, try to give back in some way and I promise you, the love will keep on coming!
Happy loving and happy Valentine’s day beautifuls!
Live simply, love beyoutifully